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Showing posts from January, 2022

What are inaudible dialogues?

Simply put, an inaudible dialogue is a conversation that nobody can hear, because it happens in your head. Is it still real? I think so, but if you're a stickler for reality, perhaps read My Science Game instead. I started writing inaudible dialogues as Facebook posts, years ago. Usually, something had passed between me and a cat that was so obviously a conversation that I had to share it. The fact that no words were spoken didn't matter. I am about to post an archive of all the Facebook dialogues that I saved, but most have been lost. They were always meant to be temporary, because they capture a snapshot of that moment shared between me and the cat, dog, shower curtain or whatever other creature or object was involved. However, they seem to be popular, so I will post them in this blog for others to enjoy. As unreal as inaudible dialogues seem, they capture real life. They can happen at any time, while you're doing any boring, mundane thing. To me, the dialogues wi